1·We have theoretically investigated the guiding mode patterns of hollow nanowires.
2·When you're in "song mode," you can create patterns on four different levels, and click on the levels to repeat the patterns.
3·In this article, the first step is to identify characteristic usage patterns associated with "wasted" power, then activate a power-saving mode when those patterns are detected.
4·And sometimes there are several templates with overlapping match patterns, and which one runs depends on the mode the stylesheet is currently running in.
5·"I think the root issue is that 'investors' live in survival mode and rarely work to observe (en masse) their own patterns and are instead sucked into the stuff of the day," he says.
6·New situations shift your mind into learning mode, which enables you to discover new patterns.
7·By operational transformation, it is meant that commercial Banks adjust their operation patterns and growth mode passively or passively against changing external operation environment.
8·Four patterns set up for interpretation platform, process mode of SIGMA curve and four quantitative interpretation modules have formed specific characteristics of PNN logging interpretation.
9·The thinking mode of traditional college English teaching is preformed and ready-made patterns of thinking.
10·With the increase of displacement speed, fracture mode of the river patterns gradually became obvious and fracture surface became coarser.